MPS Blog
Presentation: Flight Training Now and Next
by Philip Adrian | Apr 20, 2023 | Blog
Our CEO Philip Adrian was present at the WATS and gave a presentation on training the next generation. You can read all about it in this new blog article.
WATS 2023 in Review
by Philip Adrian | Apr 20, 2023 | Blog
MPS had a very busy WATS! Multiple members of our team were present, including Jean-Francois (JF) Tessier, VP of Global Sales, Martijn Niekerk, Chief Technical Officer, and Ana Blanco-Persiani, our Latin America Sales Director. Read the recap here in our latest blog post written by our CEO Philip Adrian.
RAeS Aerospace 2035 Conference
by Philip Adrian | Dec 18, 2022 | Blog
I recently spoke at the RAes 2035 Conference. In this blog you can find my full presentation as well as additional information about RAeS and the event.
Our Continued Commitment to Change: A4G
by Philip Adrian | Sep 30, 2022 | Blog
MPS is a proud partner of AviAll’s Aviation for Girls event!
Customer Connect: Air Macau
In this customer guest blog, Air Macau explains its MPS A320 FTD Flight Training Manager Experience.
Customer Connect: Patria
In this customer guest blog, Mikko Paronen from Patria explains how Patria Pilot Training utilizes our MPS A320 FTD1 in A320 MPL, MCC/APS MCC and Type Rating training programs in Finland.
May 2022: WATS and CAPA Americas Aviation Summit Review
by Philip Adrian | Jun 1, 2022 | Blog
MPS had a very busy month in May. In this blog I will quickly recap the two events we attended and provide some insight into both.
Customer Connect: Purdue University
In this customer guest blog, Adam Dunham from Purdue University explains how MPS devices are used to bridge the gap between student flight training and multi-crew environment.
Supplier Guest Blog: Highest Quality Worldwide Data From Lufthansa Systems
In this supplier guest blog, the team at Lufthansa Systems explains its high quality, up-to-date and complete data which is essential for optimum navigation.

WATS 2023 in Review
by Philip Adrian | Apr 20, 2023 | Blog
MPS had a very busy WATS! Multiple members of our team were present, including Jean-Francois (JF) Tessier, VP of Global Sales, Martijn Niekerk, Chief Technical Officer, and Ana Blanco-Persiani, our Latin America Sales Director. Read the recap here in our latest blog post written by our CEO Philip Adrian.

RAeS Aerospace 2035 Conference
by Philip Adrian | Dec 18, 2022 | Blog
I recently spoke at the RAes 2035 Conference. In this blog you can find my full presentation as well as additional information about RAeS and the event.

Our Continued Commitment to Change: A4G
by Philip Adrian | Sep 30, 2022 | Blog
MPS is a proud partner of AviAll’s Aviation for Girls event!

Customer Connect: Air Macau
In this customer guest blog, Air Macau explains its MPS A320 FTD Flight Training Manager Experience.

Customer Connect: Patria
In this customer guest blog, Mikko Paronen from Patria explains how Patria Pilot Training utilizes our MPS A320 FTD1 in A320 MPL, MCC/APS MCC and Type Rating training programs in Finland.

May 2022: WATS and CAPA Americas Aviation Summit Review
by Philip Adrian | Jun 1, 2022 | Blog
MPS had a very busy month in May. In this blog I will quickly recap the two events we attended and provide some insight into both.

Customer Connect: Purdue University
In this customer guest blog, Adam Dunham from Purdue University explains how MPS devices are used to bridge the gap between student flight training and multi-crew environment.

Supplier Guest Blog: Highest Quality Worldwide Data From Lufthansa Systems
In this supplier guest blog, the team at Lufthansa Systems explains its high quality, up-to-date and complete data which is essential for optimum navigation.

NPA 2020-15 Roundup– What Does MPS Offer?
by Philip Adrian | Jan 27, 2022 | Blog
In the final blog of the MPS White Paper series, learn about the background of new regulations, specific device and FSTD Capability Signature definitions and how these shape future growth in training.

Regulatory Aspects of EASA NPA 2020-15- What Does MPS Offer?
Our team has written an extensive White Paper. In this blog, the regulatory impact will be explained in brief.